Mary Purkiss selected by Diversity Journal as one of the "Women Worth Watching"

Mary Purkiss, COO of Iron Medical Systems, was selected by The Diversity Journal as one of the 150 executive "Women Worth Watching."

These women were nominated by their organizations for their passion and potential, and for the impact their work has on their work-places and our world. Mary was interviewed by The Diversity Journal and a snippet of her profile is included below. Congratulations Mary Purkiss!

"I'd love to say that I had always planned to be where I've found myself. But the truth is, I've been incredibly fortunate to have had business partners that often provided the trailblazing notions. Then I used my skills and knowhow to turn prototypes into working realities.

Having breast cancer made me take a hard look at the sheer volume of time I had spent working - on planes and at my computer, instead of with my children, husband, or even taking care of myself. It was a profound wakeup call and perhaps the cruelest blessing of my life. Clearly, it was the most impactful, life-changing event I had ever experienced, and changed how much I allow business to intrude into my personal time.

Since my diagnosis in 2000, I've become more focused, yet free spirited; more driven, yet relaxed; more confident, yet introspective. I never knew how much I loved my life until it was threatened."